SCMS Foundation Bylaws

Officers and Trustees

Iris A. Marteja Manlapit MD

Vice President/Secretary:
Steven J. Vance MD

Sarosh Anwar MD

Christopher J. Allen MD
John Blebea MD
Thomas E. Damuth MD
Matthew D. Deibel MD
James A. Fugazzi MD
M. Yahya Khan MD

​​Executive Director:
Joan M. Cramer
Cell (989) 284-8884


All Saginaw County Medical Society members are also SCMS Foundation members!

The SCMS Foundation was formed in 1968 and originally funded through physician donation of earnings from educational and charity work.

Following are the Powers and Duties of the Foundation pursuant to the Constitution and Bylaws:

             Section 2.  Powers and Duties.  The powers of the Board of Trustees shall include but shall not be limited to the following:

  • To provide or guarantee loans, grants, and scholarships to deserving medical students, para medical students and nurses (or students pursuing any scientific health career).
  • To assist charitable or educational institutions not operated for profit, whether supported by private donations or public taxation, in the promotion, development and attainment of health careers.
  • To promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health through exhibits and other programs of education and advisory service to the public on matters of health and hygiene.
  • To promote scientific or medical research for the purpose of alleviating human suffering.

If you are interested in serving on the Foundation Board, please contact Joan Cramer at or (989) 284-8884.​